API List


Initializing DrCCTProf

This step is to initialize DrCCTProf and register instrumentation functions to monitor all or a subset of instructions:


void drcctlib_init(bool (*filter)(instr_t *), file_t file,
                   void (*func1)(void *, instr_instrument_msg_t *),
                   bool do_data_centric);
  • filter: an instruction filter;

  • file: DEPRECATED;

  • func1: an instrumentation callback function for instructions;

  • flag: a mode bitvector flag to tell DrCCTProf how to operate.


After the initialization, you could call the function drcctlib_exit(void) before the client stops running to clean up DrCCTProf.

We also provide an init API that can register more events callback functions:


bool drcctlib_init_ex( bool (*filter)(instr_t *), file_t file,
                       void (*func1)(void *, instr_instrument_msg_t *),
                       void (*func2)(void *, int32_t, int32_t),
                       void (*func3)(void *, context_handle_t, int32_t, int32_t, mem_ref_msg_t *, void **),
                       char flag)
  • filter: an instruction filter;

  • file: DEPRECATED;

  • func1: an instrumentation callback function for instructions;

  • func2: an instrumentation callback function the beginning of basic blocks;

  • func3: an instrumentation callback function for the end of basic blocks;

  • flag: a mode bitvector flag to tell DrCCTProf how to operate.

Obtain Full Calling Contexts

After you initialize DrCCTProf, the next step is to query the calling contexts and/or data objects for instructions being monitored:


context_handle_t drcctlib_get_context_handle(void *drcontext, int32_t slot)
  • drcontext: the DynamoRIO context of the current instruction;

  • slot: the slot relative to the basic block.

You can get the number of context handles:


context_handle_t drcctlib_get_global_context_handle_num()

Given a context handle, you can obtain the calling context with a fixed depth. We define the max depath because a calling context can be long, especially for recursion.


inner_context_t * drcctlib_get_cct(context_handle_t ctxt_hndl, int max_depth)
  • ctxt_hndl: the context handle;

  • max_depth: the assigned call path depth (If setting to -1, it will return the full call path.);


If you do not use the context any more, you need call drcctlib_free_cct(inner_context_t *contxt_list) to free the memory space pointed to by contxt_list.

Given a context handle, you can get the full calling context:


inner_context_t * drcctlib_get_full_cct(context_handle_t ctxt_hndl)

It prints all the information (calling context, assembly code, source code attribution) of a given handle:


void drcctlib_print_backtrace(file_t file, context_handle_t ctxt_hndl, bool print_asm, bool print_source_line, int max_depth);
  • file: the file storing the output;

  • ctxt_hndl: the fixed context handle;

  • print_asm: whether to print by the assembly language;

  • print_source_line: whether to print the function name, file path and source line no;

  • max_depth: the assigned call path depth (If setting to -1, it will print the full call path.).


Obtain Data Handler

If the data-centric mode is activated, DrCCTProf will use shadow memory to record static memory objects and dynamic memory objects. And you can query the object by calling the function below:


data_handle_t drcctlib_get_data_hndl(void *drcontext, void *address);
  • drcontext: the DynamoRIO context of the current instruction;

  • address: effective address for which the data object is needed.

The function will return a struct:

typedef struct _data_handle_t {
   uint8_t object_type;
   union {
      context_handle_t path_handle;
      int32_t sym_name;
} data_handle_t;

  • path_handle & sym_name: path_handle represents the allocation point of dynamic data; sym_name represents the name of static data.

Visualization APIs

DrCCTProf vscode format

class Profile::profile_t::profile_t

  • The class with all necessary vscode format generator APIs. One need to create a profile_t instance to output the necesary format to be visualized in vscode with the DrCCTProf View extension.

void add_metric_type(int64_t value_type, std::string unit, std::string des);

Specify the metric type collected by DrCCTProf.

  • value type: the value type;

  • unit: the metric unit;

  • des: the description of the metric.

sample_t * add_sample(inner_context_t *ctxt);

Add a sample to the profile. The sample is uniqely identified as its context (ctxt).

  • ctxt: the context for a given execution point. It can be returned from drcctlib_get_full_cct() API.

void serialize_to_file(const char *file_name);

Write the profile to the file.

  • file_name: the output file with the profile.

class Profile::profile_t::sample_t

void append_metirc(int64_t value);
void append_metirc(uint64_t value);
void append_metirc(std::string value);

Append the value of each metric to a sample.

  • value: the metric value can be int, uint, or string;